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Basic colors in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2020-12-05Updated:2020-12-05
Similar words: piccolocolorsbasic accountcolor scaleversicolorcolor schemeflying colorscolor schemes
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1. The basic color is green with black vertical markings that form rectangles.
2. English and Chinese are not big to the basic colors word's classified difference.
3. One method, called additive , starts with three basic colors adds together to produce some other colors.
4. White is the basic colors and decorations are in red, green, blue, purple and black.
5. Everything from basic colors of ink mixing, another ink have been formed with gray - scale and brightness.
6. Chinese basic colors word includes: Red orange yellow malachite green bluish violet.
6. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
7. Also, Coil Zipper has 800 kinds of basic colors and fulfills the needs of our customers.
8. Between these basic colors has the same aspect, also has the different difference.
9. Color of Hair -- Although base color is immaterial, certain patterns and basic colors predominate.
10. We know that, after a colour filters, color - keyed version has its basic colors and contrast color.
11. Study the reference well before you start. Choose your basic colors ahead of time.
More similar words: piccolocolorsbasic accountcolor scaleversicolorcolor schemeflying colorscolor schemescolor spectrumcolor saturationwith flying colorspass with flying colorsbasicabasicbasicsdibasicbasic formtribasicbasicallybasic lawbasicitybasic paymonobasicbasic wagepolybasicbasic pricebasic inputultrabasicbasic periodBASIC system
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